“Hip Replacement to 5k to Broken Back” by Lisa Cox

“Hip Replacement to 5k to Broken Back” by Lisa Cox

I love the motto, Adapt and Overcome!!
Sometimes a daily battle for me…
I had a hip replaced when I was 35.
This was the point in my life where I was the most unhealthy.
I am a 5’ 1” woman and weighed 203 pounds.
During my rehab period after my hip replacement, I realized I had been given another chance so I decided to cash in on it.
I joined weight watchers and found a personal trainer.
Over the course of about 10-12 months I brought my weight down to 147 and went from a size tight 22 to a loose 10 – almost to an 8.
Less than a year and a half after my hip surgery, I ran in a 5K… I did not run the entire race … but I was able to start at the beginning of the group … with the runners! Something I had never been able to do.
Then – in august of 2010 – all of my training came to a screeching halt when the motorcycle I was a passenger on T-boned an F-250 that ran a red light. I received a compression fracture in my lower back and had to wear a tortoise shell back brace for the next 3 months.
Current situation – I am within 10 pounds of where I was at that moment but my physical condition isn’t great.
I have a desk job so I sit all day behind a computer.
I have enlisted the help of an old friend (who has a background in nursing, firefighting, and personal training) to assist me with a little bit of a jumpstart to see if I can get back on track. (I haven’t been in the gym for 13 years! And I’m scared!)
I can DO THIS!! I’ve done it before and I WILL do it again!
I will “Adapt and Overcome” and I will get it done!

Lisa Cox
Kansas City, Mo

1 Comment on ““Hip Replacement to 5k to Broken Back” by Lisa Cox

  1. Your amazing and an inspiration to us all! Keep on trucking beautiful. You give us strength with your victories.

    Love you Sis,
    Teresa Swearngin 💚🧡