Welcome to A&O Stories
Welcome to Adapt and Overcome Stories! We’re excited to share motivational and inspirational stories with the world. Our goal is to lift, inspire, and help others by teaching them that every challenge can be overcome.
Take Gary Weiland, for example. After losing a leg, he could have very easily accepted that his life would never be the same, and allow the new negatives in his life be what defined him. Instead, he turned those negatives into positives, and made sure his life would definitely never be the same, but for the better. His story has already inspired countless individuals, and we want it to help countless more. You can learn more about Gary and his story at garyweiland.com.
We need your help to spread this message, as we only have so many personal experiences ourselves. We will all grow together as we build a community of individuals committed to being on the winning end of anything the world throws at us. So come join us, share your story, and help us inspire those in need of a little motivation. If you’d like to share a personal story with us, please email submit@adaptandovercomestories.com. We’d love to hear from you, and you may even be featured here on Adapt and Overcome Stories.
If you’d like to let the world know that you’re committed to beating life’s challenges, you can do so without even saying a word, when you wear A&O clothing. Check out what we have to offer at adaptandovercomeapparel.com.
Now get out there, share these great stories on social media and with the world. You have the power to inspire and lift others. You really do! We’re going to do our best to build resiliency and help pull others through their struggles. We hope you’ll join us!